

New! The Conference Proceedings have been published in AIP Conference Proceedings:


All speakers and poster presenters are invited to contribute to the conference proceedings.

The conference proceedings will be published on-line with open access, and a selected set of plenary and invited talks will be in the printed form.

The Latex file and copyright form templates for AIP proceedings can be found on the web-page

The templates and copyright transfer agreement are also attached here. Please use single-column format only.

As the major set of talks will be on-line we don't put any upper bound on your contributions. But the lower bound is >= 4 pages in the AIP style.
BUT! for plenary talks we ask to restrict yourself by 12 pages if you want to take part in the printed volume.

The deadline for contributions to send us is 1 December 2014.
Please don't postpone making your file as we have to finish the payment for proceedings in this year and need the exact number of contributions to prepare the contract. In the case you are delaying just let us know.
