
Department structure








Physical electronics

research director professor Alexander Mikhailovich Shikin,


1. Shikin Alexander Mikhailovich,

Doctor of Sciences*, professor

e-mail: shikin@paloma.spbu , ashikin@inbox.ru

2. Usachov Dmitry Yurievich

Doctor of Sciences*, Associate Professor

e-mail: dmitry.usachov@spbu.ru

3. Rybkina Anna Alexeevna

Candidate of Sciences*, Research Assistant

e-mail: rybkina-anna@bk.ru

4. Klimovskikh Ilya Igorevich

Research Assistant,

e-mail: klimovskih_ilya@mail.ru





Ultra-soft X-ray spectroscopy

research director professor Elena Olegovna Filatova,


1. Filatova Elena Olegovna,

Doctor of Sciences*, professor

e-mail: elenaofilatova@mail.ru

2. Vinogradov Alexander Stepanovich,

Doctor of Sciences*, professor

e-mail: a.vinogradov@spbu.ru , asvinograd@gmail.com

3. Pavlychev Andrey Alexeyevich,

Doctor of Sciences*, professor

e-mail: a.pavlychev@spbu.ru, Andrey.pavlychev@gmail.com





Physics of interphase boundaries and low-dimensional systems

research director professor Alexander Petrovich Baraban,


1. Baraban Alexander Petrovich,

Doctor of Sciences*, professor

e-mail: a.baraban@spbu.ru

2. Dmitriev Valentin Alexandrovich,

Candidate of Sciences*, Senior Research Officer

e-mail: v.dmitriev@spbu.ru

3. Vyvenko Oleg Fedorovich,

Doctor of Sciences*, professor

e-mail: vyvenko@gmail.com

4. Gabis Igor Evgenyevich,

Doctor of Sciences*, professor

e-mail: igor.gabis@gmail.com , i.gabis@spbu.ru

5. Yafyasov Adil Abdul Melikovich,

Doctor of Sciences*, professor

e-mail: yafyasov@gmail.com

6. Denisov Evgeny Aleksandrovich,

Candidate of Sciences*, Associate Professor

e-mail: e.denisov@spbu.ru

7. Bozhevolnov Vladislav Borisovich

Candidate of Sciences*, Associate Professor

e-mail: vladislav.bogevolnov@gmail.com

8. Petrov Yury Vladimirovich

Candidate of Sciences*, Associate Professor

e-mail: y.petrov@spbu.ru

9. Bondarenko Anton Sergeevich

Candidate of Sciences*, Senior Research Officer


10. Ubyyvovk Evgeniy Viktorovich

Candidate of Sciences*, Senior Research Officer


11. Trushin Maxim Valerevich

Candidate of Sciences*, Assistant

e-mail: max_trushin@mail.ru

12. Bazlov Nikolay Vasilevich

Research Officer

e-mail: nikolay.bazlov@gmail.com





Electronics of surface

research director professor Alexey Sergeevich Komolov,


1. Komolov Alexey Sergeevich,

Doctor of Sciences*, professor

e-mail: a.komolov@spbu.ru

2. Lazneva Eleonora Fedorovna,

Doctor of Sciences*, Leading Researcher

e-mail: efl@yandex.ru




Doctor of Sciences* - Doctor of Physico-Mathematical Sciences



Candidate of Sciences* - Candidate of Physico-Mathematical Sciences



Department structure
