29 марта 2019 года в рамках учебно-научного семинара Лаборатории квантовой оптики состоится лекция профессора Сколтеха Джейкоба Биамонте (Prof. Jacob Biamonte) «Universal Variational Quantum Computation».
Variational quantum algorithms dominate contemporary gate-based quantum enhanced optimization, eigenvalue estimation and machine learning. Here we establish the quantum computational universality of variational quantum computation by developing two constructions which prepare states with high 2-norm overlap with the outputs of quantum circuits. The fleeting resource is the number of expected values which must be iteratively minimized using a сlassical-to-quantum feedback loop. The first approach is efficient in the number of expected values for n-qubit circuits containing (polylnn) non-Clifford gates. The second approach adapts the Kitaev-Feynman clock construction. The variational model is hence universal and necessitates state-preparation by a control sequence followed by measurements in one basis and gradient-free or gradient-based minimization of a polynomially bounded number of expected values.
Prof. Jacob Biamonte is an American theoretical physicist, quantum computer scientist. He is the Lead of Deep Quantum Labs at Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology. Prof. Biamonte has made several contributions to the theory and implementation of quantum computers. He is one of the worlds first quantum applications scientists at D-Wave Systems Inc., earned a chancellors award for his doctorate at the University of Oxford. Prof. Biamonte is an invited member of the Foundational Questions Institute, Shapiro Lecturer in Mathematical Physics in 2013 and 2018 USERN Medal Laureate. He has authored several celebrated works on the theory and implementation of quantum information processing, including research recognized as pioneering the emerging field that unites quantum information with complex network theory and machine learning.
Место проведения: СПбГУ, Петергоф, ул. Ульяновская, д. 1, малый конференц-зал.
Начало: 11:00