- Lecture 1 (.pdf 248 KB)
- Classical Mechanics; Newton’s Laws of Mechanics; Projectile in Constant Gravitational Field;
- Lecture 2 (.pdf 221 KB)
- Projectile in 1/r^2 field; escape velocity.
Oscillations; Simple Harmonic Oscillations; Coupled Oscillations;
Damped Oscillations; Forced Oscillations. - Lecture 3 (.pdf 176 KB)
- Particle in Central Field; Kepler Problem.
- Lecture 4 (.pdf 204 KB)
- Kepler Problem (continued); Tides.
- Lecture 5 (.pdf 247 KB)
- Relativity; Einstein’s Postulates; Lorentz Transformation;
Michelson-Morley Experiment;
Lorentz Contraction; Einstein Time Dilation;
Relativistic Addition of Velocities. - Lecture 6 (.pdf 236 KB)
- Relativity (continued); Invariant Length of Intervals; Minkowski Space-Time;
Rapidity; Doppler Effect; Equivalence of Mass and Energy;
Relativistic Mechanics: Charged Particle in Magnetic Field. - Lecture 7 (.pdf 1 672 KB)
- Relativistic Mechanics (continued);
Relativistic Kinematics of Particle Collisions; Compton Scattering;
LAB and CMS Frames. - Lecture 8 (.pdf 262 KB)
- Relativistic Kinematics (continued);
The Bohr Atom. - Lecture 9 (.pdf 559 KB)
- Introduction to Nuclear Physics; Static properties of Nuclei; Nuclear Charge; Nuclear Constituents;
Segre Chart; Stability Rules; Nuclear Masses; Mass Excess; Nuclear Size;
Nuclear Binding Energy; Semi-Empirical Mass Formula. - Lecture 10 (.pdf 653 KB)
- Radioactive Decay of Nuclei; alpha, beta and gamma Rays;
the Law of Radioactive Decay; Series of Radioactive Nuclides;
beta Decay; Neutrino; Mass Parabolas; Electron Conversion. - Lecture 11 (.pdf 524 KB)
- Determination of the Parameters of the SEMF; Instability against alpha Decay;
Nuclear Energy levels; Spontaneous Fission. - Lecture 12 (.pdf 1 987 KB)
- High Energy Physics; I: The Fundamental Particles: Leptons and Quarks; Antimatter;
Hadrons: Mesons and Baryons; Strangeness;
CERN; the ATLAS Collaboration; Fixed Target and Collider Experiments. - Lecture 13 (.pdf 7 072 KB)
- High Energy Physics; II: Discovery of the W and Z Intermediate Vector Bosons;
Current Experiments at Fermilab; LHC: ATLAS, CMS;
DIRAC: a CERN experiment to Measure the Lifetime of the Pionium Atom.
Some useful Links:
UCLA Astro
Mass Spectrometer
CERN the European Laboratory for Particle Physics
JINR, Dubna
Institute of High Energy Physics, Protvino
Budker Institute of High Energy Physics, Novosibirsk
Nuclear Physics at SINP-MSU
High Energy and Nuclear Physics in Russia
Review of Particle Physics (Particle Data Tables)
Nuclear Data at BNL