To access lecture material click on one of the following links:
- Lecture 1: «Current State of High Energy Physics»
- Lecture 2: «Properties if Elementary Particles»
- Lecture 3: «Kinematics of Particle Collisions»
- Lecture 4: «Kinematics (continued)»
- Lecture 5: «Passage of Particles through Matter»
- Lecture 6: «More on Passage»
- Lecture 7: «LHC Experiments; Cross Section and Luminosity»
- Lecture 8: «Elastic electron-proton scattering; Deep Inelastic Scattering»
- Lecture 9: «Deep Inelastic Scattering; Scaling Violation»
- Lecture 10: «Neutrino Physics, I»
- Lecture 11: «Neutrino Physics, II; Symmetries: P, C, CP violation»
For further useful information click on one of the following links:
CERN , DESY , FNAL , JINR, Dubna , Particle Data Group , IHEP, Protvino